DATE: 21.01.2012
AUTHOR: daybimo
Period blood stings
a brop of light blood, when i pee it stings at the end?!?!. color. and when i stop urinating it kinda stings. im cramping because i should start my period.  This has happened to me too and usually I think something in the blood irritates the delicate skin. It kind of feels like the blood could be a little acidic. Its. What does it mean when your vagina stings after urinating and some blood comes out but it is not your period?
a brop of light blood, when i pee it stings at the end.
What does it mean when your vagina stings after urinating and some.Well, unless the blood is comming out in your urine, then it's probably just from your period, blood is often dark and sometimes brownish when your period.
I feel like peeing a lot and it kina stings after i pee and get a.
I just got off my period and im spotting and it stings when i.Your period comes at the same time every month...except when it doesn’t. Find out what’s normal, what’s not, and what to do about it. ***btw - the spotting isn't menstrual, it's blood in your pee. Uristat stuff. How come when I have my period, it stings to pee? I just got off my period last week. ... private part with tissue, however, my vulva stings. blood stain in the usual discharge following urination; Pregnant?late period,frequent urination, tannish discharge, this is happening to me too... its my first time having my period and it stings very bad where the blood is coming out . Report Abuse
vulva stings when wiping after urination during period.i believe i have a water infection as it stings when i pee but when i wipe i get blood. is this normal? would your clit sting as well? i have not had a period since.
My vagina stings during my period really badly but NOT when I pee.
I'm on my period, and the inside of my vagina stings a bit.
it stings when i pee. when i wipe i get blood!
Your Period Problems Solved: What’s Normal, What’s Not, and.
Period blood stings Ok it hurts when i pee.. i jus got off my period & a lil bit of.
Stinging while urinating - Urology - MedHelp
Bleeding From the Urethra |
BLOOD CLOTS DURING PERIOD - Women's Health - MedHelp
Ok it hurts when i pee.. i jus got off my period & a lil bit of.
Your Period Problems Solved: What’s Normal, What’s Not, and.
Is it normal to have strings of blood during my period? | ChaCha