date: 3.03.2012
AUTHOR: dragniri
how to setup warlock 4.2
 W arlocks are a cross combination of elements from other classes in the game. In essence, warlocks are a caster class with pets that can curse, DOT, do direct damage. By the setup, you can easily refresh corruption every time you refresh Hand of Gul. Your one-stop post for all specs and classes in WoW Patch 4.2; Warlock DPS Help In Dungeons
WoW - Warlock Destruction and Affliction Power Auras setup - YouTube
Warcraft Class: Warlock - Squidoo : Welcome to SquidooWarlock Macros is a site dedicated to finding the best Macros for Warlocks in World of Warcraft. Everything from the easiest ones to the more complicated Macros to set-up. It allows the setup of icons for the spells choosen on. Titanpanel (Version Puts small. Another Warlock specific addon I use is Demonic Knowledge.
Patch 4.3 Demonology Warlock Quick Start Guide – Stats, Rotation.
Patch 4.3 Affliction Warlock Quick Start Guide – Stats, Talent.
Warlock Macros - Updated 4.3Haunt is setup to pop icon up 5 seconds before it drops off (giving you. Your one-stop post for all specs and classes in WoW Patch 4.2; What’s the best Warlock rotation? Showing a couple friends how I set up power auras for destruction and affliction. Also hoping this helps out anyone looking for a way to set theirs up
Warlock UI & Addon Discussion - Elitist Jerks
how to setup warlock 4.2 Warlock - Forums - World of Warcraft -
Warlock - Class - World of Warcraft - Wowhead: It's all about.
Warlock - Forums - World of Warcraft -
My Destro Power Aura setup - The Warlocks Den - WoW Warlock.
Power Auras - Warlock - Affliction
Warcraft Class: Warlock - Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo
Warlock (85) Affliction 20k+ DPS 4.3 Raiding Rotation UI Tips and.